Prof. Sergio Baranzini PhD
Professorship in Neurology I
Heidrich Family and Friends Endowed Chair in Neurology
Weill Institute for Neurosciences
Department of Neurology,
Graduate Program in Bioinformatics
Institute for Human Genetics
Institute for Computational Health Sciences
University of California San Francisco
San Francisco (CA), USA

Sergio E. Baranzini is Distinguished Professor of Neurology at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF). He earned his PhD in human molecular genetics (1997) from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. His lab at UCSF uses a multi-disciplinary approach to science and it is composed by experimental and computational researchers. Dr. Baranzini is an active member of the International Multiple Mclerosis Genetics Consortium, where his team leads a large GWAS on disease progression. He also leads the iMSMS, an international consortium to study the effect of bacterial populations (microbiota) on MS susceptibility and progression. In addition, he is the principal investigator of SPOKE, a large multi-disciplinary bioinformatics approach to gather, integrate and analyze all biomedical data, currently supported by NIH and NSF.