Should you decide to pay by bank transfer, please indicate it when registering. EEM Srl or ISNI are not liable for any added charges on top of the original congress fee. The responsibility of any possible added costs are on the bank and yourself. Please pay any extra charge to the bank and not to EEM or ISNI. Please make sure with your bank that the amount of the registration fee will arrive to the receiptient EEM net of any charge or bank commission.
Bank transfer payment method will be available only until July 31, 2023. After that only credit card payments will be accepted.
Cancellation & Refund
Cancellation before May 26 full refund minus CA$ 50 for the handling fee
Cancellation between May 26 and June 31 50 % refund
Cancellation after June 31, no refund
Any registration cancellation must be notified in writing to the Organizing Secretariat by e-mail
You are allowed to nominate another person to take your registration. Please communicate the change to the secretariat at, indicating the name and personal email address of the new person. All accepted refunds will be made after the congress.